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主管单位:中国科学院  主办单位:中国科学院上海生命科学研究院;植物生理生态研究所;中国植物生理学会

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植物生理与分子生物学学报 2017年第07期杂志 文档列表

Exiting Already? Molecular Control of Cell- Proliferation Arrest in Leaves: Cutting Edge第909-911页
关键词: 遗传学;  遗传网络;  树叶;  植物学;  
Speedy Grass Stomata: Emerging Molecular anc Evolutionary Features第912-914页
关键词: 陆地植物;  气孔;  细胞;  遗传学;  
Multiple Ways of BES1/BZR1 Degradation to Decode Distinct Developmental and Environmental Cues in Plants第915-917页
关键词: 植物学;  激素;  细胞;  遗传学;  
Development of "Purple Endosperm Rice" by Engineering Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in the Endosperm with a High-Efficiency Transgene Stacking System第918-929页
关键词: 抗氧化活性;  水稻;  植物学;  遗传学;  
Organizational Innovation of Apical Actin Filaments Drives Rapid Pollen Tube Growth and Turning第930-947页
关键词: 肌动蛋白束;  真核细胞;  遗传学;  植物学;  
The DTH8-Hd1 Module Mediates Day-Length-Dependent Regulation of Rice Flowering第948-961页
关键词: 水稻开花;  开花周期;  植物学;  科普知识;  
Genome-wide Nucleosome Occupancy and Organization Modulates the Plasticity of Gene Transcriptional Status in Maize第962-974页
关键词: 染色质;  遗传学;  基因;  植物学;  
The Genome of Medicinal Plant Macleaya cordata Provides New Insights into Benzylisoquinoline Alkaloids Metabolism第975-989页
关键词: 动物农业;  公共卫生;  转基因;  生物碱;  
STAG-CNS: An Order-Aware Conserved Noncoding Sequences Discovery Tool for Arbitrary Numbers of Species第990-999页
关键词: 非编码序列;  基因;  植物学;  超敏反应;  
Developmentally Regulated Glucosylation of Bitter Triterpenoid in Cucumber by the UDP-Glucosyltransferase UGT73AM3第1000-1003页
关键词: 植物学;  可塑性;  代谢产物;  发展现状;  
Arabidopsis CNGC14 Mediates Calcium Influx Required for Tip Growth in Root Hairs第1004-1006页
关键词: 顶端生长;  拟南芥;  毛尖;  内流;  介导;  表皮细胞;  相互作用;  钙;  
Gene Targeting by Homology-Directed Repair in Rice Using a Geminivirus-Based CRISPR/Cas9 System第1007-1010页
关键词: 双生病毒;  基因打靶;  水稻;  系统;  复用;  同源;  分子育种;  dna;  
Multiplex Gene Editing in Rice Using the CRISPR-Cpf1 System第1011-1013页
关键词: 基因组;  编辑;  系统;  多重;  植物细胞;  重复序列;  rnas;  
Understanding Maize Biology for Better Crop Improvement第1014-1017页
关键词: 玉米种植;  作物改良;  生物学;  关键资源;  燃料生产;  基因组;  遗传学;