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主管单位:中国科学院  主办单位:中国科学院上海生命科学研究院;植物生理生态研究所;中国植物生理学会

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植物生理与分子生物学学报 2015年第06期杂志 文档列表

Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Identification in Polyploids: A Review, Example, and Recommendations第831-846页
关键词: 单核苷酸多态性;  多倍体;  snps;  综述;  鉴定;  软件程序;  分子育种;  基因型;  
Making the Bread: Insights from Newly Synthesized AIIohexaploid Wheat第847-859页
关键词: 普通小麦;  人工合成;  面包小麦;  异源六倍体;  细胞遗传学;  aegilops;  基因表达调控;  六倍体小麦;  
Crop Epigenomics: Identifying, Unlocking, and Harnessing Cryptic Variation in Crop Genomes第860-870页
关键词: 基因组学;  作物;  dna甲基化;  植物基因组;  识别;  开锁;  治理;  基因组图谱;  
Genomic, Transcriptomic, and Phenomic Variation Reveals the Complex Adaptation of Modern Maize Breeding第871-884页
关键词: 玉米育种;  基因组;  转录组;  位相变化;  适应性;  适应过程;  农业环境;  进化历史;  
Genome Alignment Spanning Major Poaceae Lineages Reveals Heterogeneous Evolutionary Rates and Alters Inferred Dates for KeyEvolutionary Events第885-898页
关键词: 基因组序列;  禾本科植物;  进化速率;  事件;  谱系;  异质;  化石证据;  
A Solution to the C-Value Paradox and the Function of Junk DNA: The Genome Balance Hypothesis第899-910页
关键词: 垃圾dna;  a基因组;  平衡网络;  假说;  异源多倍体;  悖论;  c值;  基因表达差异;  
Targeted Lipidomics Studies Reveal that Linolenic Acid Promotes Cotton Fiber Elongation by Activating Phosphatidylinositol and Phosphatidylinositol Monophosphate Biosvnthesis第911-921页
关键词: 磷脂酰肌醇;  纤维伸长;  亚麻酸;  棉花;  磷酸;  生长抑制作用;  脂质;  激活;  
The Genome of Dendrobium officinale Illuminates the Biology of the Important Traditional Chinese Orchid Herb第922-934页
关键词: 基因组序列;  铁皮石斛;  传统;  生物学;  生物合成途径;  花草;  中国;  组对;  
Young Genes out of the Male: An Insight from Evolutionary Age Analysis of the Pollen Transcriptome第935-945页
关键词: 男性生殖;  新基因;  转录组;  进化;  花粉;  蛋白编码基因;  组分;  植物种类;  
Genetic Architecture of Natural Variation in Rice Chlorophyll Content Revealed by a Genome-Wide Association Study第946-957页
关键词: 叶绿素含量;  水稻育种;  自然变异;  遗传结构;  单核苷酸多态性;  生物合成基因;  全基因组;  oryza;  
Comparative Population Genom,cs Reveals Strong Divergence and Infrequent Introgression between Asian and African Rice第958-960页
关键词: 亚洲栽培稻;  非洲栽培稻;  水稻;  基因组;  oryza;  种群;  发散;  cs;  
A Sequencing-Based Linkage Map of Cucumber第961-963页
关键词: 黄瓜;  连锁图谱;  基因组草图;  序列;  植物生物学;  基因组变异;  经济植物;  性别决定;  
BARLEX- the Badey Draft Genome Explorer第964-966页
关键词: 基因组草图;  探险家;  基因组测序;  植物基因组;  参考序列;  异构数据集成;  基因组图谱;  stein;  
31FGD: Setana italica Functional Genomics Database第967-970页
关键词: 基因组数据库;  谷子;  农业生态系统;  自然生态系统;  禾本科牧草;  遗传多样性;  中国北方;  野生物种;  
GeneCloud Reveals Semantic Enrichment in Lists of Gene Descriptions第971-973页
关键词: 后基因组;  语义;  基因组重编程;  生物学意义;  网页界面;  信息;  d算法;  拟南芥;