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主管单位:中国科学院  主办单位:中国科学院上海生命科学研究院;植物生理生态研究所;中国植物生理学会

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植物生理与分子生物学学报 2012年第03期杂志 文档列表

Photomorphogenesis——from One Photoreceptor to 14:40 Years of Progress第531-532页
关键词: 光形态建成;  感光;  生物学家;  资金支持;  光信号;  嵌入式;  毕业生;  研究员;  
LOV to BLUF: Flavoprotein Contributions to the Optogenetic Toolkit第533-544页
关键词: 黄素蛋白;  工具包;  黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸;  生物技术;  细胞生物学;  光化学性能;  光敏感;  细胞活动;  
Newly Described Components and Regulatory Mechanisms of Circadian Clock Function in Arabidopsis thaliana第545-553页
关键词: 监管机制;  功能组件;  生物钟;  拟南芥;  时钟网络;  植物生长;  蛋白质复合体;  非生物胁迫;  
Time for a Nuclear Meeting: Protein Trafficking and Chromatin Dynamics Intersect in the Plant Circadian System第554-565页
关键词: 蛋白质相互作用;  植物;  系统;  时间;  动力学;  染色质;  生理功能;  昼夜;  
Light-Regulated Stomatal Aperture in Arabidopsis第566-572页
关键词: 叶片气孔;  光调节;  拟南芥;  植物叶片;  光吸收;  保卫细胞;  水分蒸腾;  光合作用;  
LOV Domain-Containing Light-Dependent Protein in Arabidopsis F-Box Proteins: Degradation Modules第573-582页
关键词: 蛋白降解;  拟南芥;  蛋白质家族;  模块;  域名;  感光细胞;  光感受器;  开花控制;  
Shedding Light on Large-Scale Chromatin Reorganization in Arabidopsis thaliana第583-590页
关键词: 染色质;  重组;  拟南芥;  基因调控;  分子网络;  光信号;  经济增长;  光谱质量;  
BZS1, a B-box Protein, Promotes Photomorphogenesis Downstream of Both Brassinosteroid and Light Signaling Pathways第591-600页
关键词: 光形态建成;  油菜素内酯;  信号通路;  锌指蛋白;  转录因子;  cop1;  突变体;  负调控因子;  
Microtubules Are Essential for Guard-Cell Function in Vicia and Arabidopsis第601-610页
关键词: 气孔保卫细胞;  微管蛋白;  拟南芥;  蚕豆;  气孔关闭;  荧光标记;  碳酸氢钠;  装配速度;  
Red Light-Induced Phytochrome Relocation into the Nucleus in Adiantum capillus-veneris第611-618页
关键词: 光敏色素;  细胞核;  脱落酸;  光诱导;  孢子萌发;  铁;  种子植物;  融合蛋白质;  
Diurnal Dependence of Growth Responses to Shade in Arabidopsis: Role of Hormone, Clock, and Light Signaling第619-628页
关键词: 生长响应;  拟南芥;  光信号;  遮荫;  依赖性;  激素;  时钟;  生长反应;  
A Short Amino-Terminal Part of Arabidopsis Phytochrome A Induces Constitutive Photomorphogenic Response第629-641页
关键词: 光敏色素;  拟南芥;  光诱导;  核定位信号;  细胞核蛋白;  端部;  氨基;  黄色荧光蛋白;  
UVR8 Mediates UV-B-Induced Arabidopsis Defense Responses against Botrytis cinerea by Controlling Sinapate Accumulation第642-652页
关键词: 防御反应;  灰霉病;  拟南芥;  介导;  控制;  生物合成途径;  黄酮类化合物;  
Quantitative Variation in Water-Use Efficiency across Water Regimes and Its Relationship with Circadian, Vegetative, Reproductive, and Leaf Gas-Exchange Traits第653-668页
关键词: 水分利用效率;  叶片气体交换;  营养性状;  生殖性状;  昼夜;  水制度;  环境敏感性;  遗传结构;  
A Dual Mechanism Controls Nuclear Localization in the Atypical Basic-Helix-Loop-Helix Protein PAR1 of Arabidopsis thaliana第669-677页
关键词: 细胞核蛋白;  本地化;  拟南芥;  非典型;  螺旋;  机制;  核定位信号;  控制;