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主管单位:中国科学院  主办单位:中国科学院上海生命科学研究院;植物生理生态研究所;中国植物生理学会

人气 8369


植物生理与分子生物学学报 2009年第05期杂志 文档列表

关键词: 美国能源部;  植物细胞壁;  植物种类;  美国总统;  植物生物学;  农业生产力;  amp;  心理压力;  
Plant Cell Wall Matrix Polysaccharide Biosynthesis第840-850页
关键词: 植物细胞壁;  多糖合成;  基质;  葡聚糖合成酶;  半纤维素;  比较基因组学;  纤维素酶基因;  突变基因;  
Homogalacturonan MethyI-Esterification and Plant Development第851-860页
关键词: 植物发育;  酯化反应;  果胶甲基酯酶;  开发过程;  生命周期;  植物细胞;  组成部分;  果胶多糖;  
Feruloylation in Grasses: Current and Future Perspectives第861-872页
关键词: 牧草;  阿拉伯木聚糖;  展望;  细胞壁;  氧化偶联;  细胞定位;  阿魏酸;  木质素;  
(1,3;1,4)-β-D-Glucans in Cell Walls of the Poaceae, Lower Plants, and Fungi: A Tale of Two Linkages第873-882页
关键词: 禾本科;  葡聚糖;  植物墙;  细胞;  三维;  故事;  真菌;  
Feruloylated Arabinoxylans Are Oxidatively Cross- Linked by Extracellular Maize Peroxidase but Not by Horseradish Peroxidase第883-892页
关键词: 辣根过氧化物酶;  阿拉伯木聚糖;  玉米;  
Xyloglucan for Generating Tensile Stress to Bend Tree Stem第893-903页
关键词: 弯曲成形;  葡聚糖;  应力木;  次生木质部;  转基因杨树;  树干;  拉伸;  被子植物;  
Loosening Xyloglucan Accelerates the Enzymatic Degradation of Cellulose in Wood第904-909页
关键词: 纤维素酶制剂;  酶降解;  葡聚糖;  纤维素酶水解;  松动;  木聚糖酶;  过度表达;  木质部;  
Cell Wall Microstructure Analysis Implicates Hemicellulose Polysaccharides in Cell Adhesion in Tomato Fruit Pericarp Parenchyma第910-921页
关键词: 细胞粘附;  番茄果实;  半纤维素;  微观分析;  细胞壁;  薄壁;  果皮;  多糖;  
Microanalysis of Plant Cell Wall Polysaccharides第922-932页
关键词: 植物细胞壁;  基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱;  果胶多糖;  微量分析;  高灵敏度;  生物合成;  maldi;  半定量分析;  
Identification of Lignin and Polysaccharide Modifications in Populus Wood by Chemometric Analysis of 2D NMR Spectra from Dissolved Cell Walls第933-942页
关键词: 二维核磁共振谱;  细胞壁;  木质素;  谱分析;  化学计量学;  木材;  多糖;  溶解;  
Xyloglucans of Monocotyledons Have Diverse Structures第943-965页
关键词: 单子叶植物;  结构;  基质辅助激光解吸电离;  阴离子交换色谱;  分布范围;  植物物种;  氢氧化钠;  
Arabinan Metabolism during Seed Development and Germination in Arabidopsis第966-976页
关键词: 种子发育;  糖代谢;  拟南芥;  阿拉伯;  萌发;  幼苗生长;  半乳聚糖;  细胞壁;  
Plant Cell Wall Proteomics: Mass Spectrometry Data, a Trove for Research on Protein Structure/Function Relationships第977-989页
关键词: 蛋白质组学;  蛋白质结构;  植物细胞壁;  质谱数据;  生物信息学;  冷却用水;  蛋白质鉴定;  细胞壁蛋白;  
Pectin May Hinder the Unfolding of Xyloglucan Chains during Cell Deformation: Implications of the Mechanical Performance of Arabidopsis Hypocotyls with Pectin Alterations第990-999页
关键词: 力学性能;  下胚轴;  拟南芥;  果胶;  改装;  变形;  细胞;  糖链;