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主管单位:中国科学院  主办单位:中国科学院上海生命科学研究院;植物生理生态研究所;中国植物生理学会

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植物生理与分子生物学学报 2008年第04期杂志 文档列表

2020 Vision for Biology: The Role of Plants in Addressing Grand Challenges in Biology第561-563页
关键词: 生物学;  植物;  物种;  鉴别方法;  
Meiotic and Mitotic Cell Cycle Mutants Involved in Gametophyte Development in Arabidopsis第564-574页
关键词: 染色体;  细胞;  核分裂;  突变型;  配偶体;  
Biochemical Models for S-RNase-Based Self-Incompatibility第575-585页
关键词: 核糖核酸酶;  生物化学技术;  不相容性;  遗传科学;  
GEX3, Expressed in the Male Gametophyte and in the Egg Cell of Arabidopsisthaliana, Is Essential for Micropylar Pollen Tube Guidance and Plays a Role during Early Embryogenesis第586-598页
关键词: 配偶体;  基因表达;  胚胎;  细胞;  植物;  
Tapetum Degeneration Retardation is Critical for Aliphatic Metabolism and Gene Regulation during Rice Pollen Development第599-610页
关键词: 大米;  反光色素层;  基因;  新陈代谢;  
Double Fertilization in Arabidopsis thaliana Involves a Polyspermy Block on the Egg but Not the Central Cell第611-619页
关键词: 动物;  双受精作用;  多精入卵;  中央细胞;  
SWI1 Is Required for Meiotic Chromosome Remodeling Events第620-633页
关键词: 染色体;  减数分裂;  不育性;  基因变异;  
New microsome-associated HT-family proteins from Nicotiana respond to pollination and define an HT/NOD-24 protein family第634-644页
关键词: 矮牵牛花;  蛋白质;  微粒体;  生物化学技术;  
Regulation of Arabidopsis Early Anther Development by the Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases, MPK3 and MPK6, and the ERECTA and Related Receptor-Like Kinases第645-658页
关键词: 花粉囊;  发育过程;  调节方式;  蛋白质;  
A Dialogue between the Sirene Pathway in Synergids and the Fertilization Independent Seed Pathway in the Central Cell Controls Male Gamete Release during Double Fertilization in Arabidopsis第659-666页
关键词: 被子植物;  助细胞;  受精作用;  配子;  
Microscopy and Bioinformatic Analyses of Lipid Metabolism Implicate a Sporophytic Signaling Network Supporting Pollen Development in Arabidopsis第667-674页
关键词: 花粉;  新陈代谢;  显微镜法;  反光色素层;  
A Mitochondrial Magnesium Transporter Functions in Arabidopsis Pollen Development第675-685页
关键词: 花粉;  镁元素;  生物化学过程;  植物;  
The Dynamic Pollen Tube Cytoskeleton: Live Cell Studies Using Actin-Binding and Microtubule- Binding Reporter Proteins第686-702页
关键词: 花粉管;  细胞骨架;  细胞;  肌动蛋白;  
Targeting of Pollen Tubes to Ovules Is Dependent on Nitric Oxide (NO) Signaling第703-714页
关键词: 花粉管;  胚珠;  含氮氧化物;  发育过程;